Anxiety Management


Anxiety Management in Peterborough

Anxiety is still one of the most misunderstood mental illnesses. It can be mild as in rapid heart rate, stomach churning, dry mouth and word fumbling to highly debilitating where the sufferer finds going out, socialising, sleeping, eating and basic function almost impossible. However, whether it is considered clinically mild or severe, the sufferer finds themselves struggling each day and tries to find coping methods which can lead to more issues such as habits, ticks, prescribed medication which no longer helps and OCD.
There is not a one size fits all eutopian cure for anxiety and each person experiences it in different ways. As Barbara is trained in all forms of mental health, she uses a blend of therapies unique and tailor made for each patient. This can include hypnosis, psychotherapy, CBT and clinical counselling. 
Although appointments are weekly Barbara makes a theraputic recording of the treatment each session to use daily so as each day you are being helped. Alongside this, you are able to contact her in between appointments if you are struggling. This enables a constant source of help which can be vital when suffering anxiety.

Industry and work stress management

In today's hectic society it's easy for stress levels to rise and start to take their toll on your everyday routine. This can be a destructive force in relationships, within families, and can also limit your ability to succeed. High anxiety levels contribute to ill health and restrict you from excelling at your achievements.

Barbara designs and runs stress management courses within industry, she meets with both management and staff to create a bespoke solution based course. Companies, however large or small, are able to achieve a positive proactive workplace environment through such courses.

Make an appointment

Don't let stress get the better of you! If you need help managing your stress in Peterborough or the surrounding areas then contact Barbara to talk through your situation and book your first stress counselling appointment today.

Individual courses

Barbara works with you to design a stress management course which targets the areas of your life which cause stress and damage to yourself and those around you. These individual targeted courses are taken over a 6 week period, meeting on a weekly basis.

Anger Management in Peterborough

Barbara can also provide anger management courses to individuals who are experiencing difficulties at work or at home.
Call today to find out more about my stress management guidance in:
07949 219921
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